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Ogre is provided as a renderer with the toolkit Toolkit as an open source alternative to Unity, and as an example of SmartBody integration.  Ogre uses SmartBody as a dll.  For more information on the Ogre3D engine, please see OgreSDK.


Launching Ogre

In order to To launch Ogre,  you can select the 'Ogre' profile from the 'Profiles' menu option in the Launcher, or select Ogre as the renderer 'Visualization' section and hit 'Launch'.


By default Ogre loads SmartBody as a dll and connects to it once it initializes.  It can also communicate with SmartBody when it's running as a separate process using the Bonebus protocol if this is specified in the config file for Ogre.


Ogre has been integrated as a rendering engine with the toolkit Toolkit as an example to show showing that alternative renderers can be used with the Toolkit.  It demonstrates how an open source engine can be integrated with the Toolkit.
