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In addition, many groups outside of ICT use some of the toolkit components, most notably [[SmartBody]] and [[Watson]]:
* University of Reykjavik
* German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
* ArticuLab at Northwestern University
* Telecom Paris Tech
* Affective Computing Research group at MIT Media Lab
* ICSI/UCB Vision Group at UC Berkeley
* Human-Centered, Intelligent, Human-Computer Interaction group at Imperial College
* Worcester Polytechnic Institute
* Microsoft Research
* Relational Agents group at Northeastern University
* Component Analysis Lab at Carnegie Mellon University

Documentation Overview

Please go to the Download & Support page for instructions on how to obtain the toolkit. This page will also give you further guidance on how to install and run the provided scenario.

For navigation on this website, please use the menu on the left. Each of the listed sections is described below:
Architecture - Gives an overview of the toolkit architecture, based on the ICT Virtual Human Architecture. 
Components - Lists all modules, tools and libraries that make up the toolkit and links to available documentation and third party enhancements. 
Getting Started - Lists all available tutorials, including how to run the provided examples and how to create your own virtual human.
Projects - An overview of some projects that use technology included in the toolkit, see also below.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the toolkit in general and all of its components in detail. Also contains a glossary for often used terms and acronyms.
Download & Support - An overview of available support. 
Links & Papers - List of links to related sites.


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