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The pocketsphinx-sonic-server is a wrapper over the pocketsphinx PocketSphinx speech recognition system which allows us to communicate with it using the sonic Sonic protocol. PocketSphinx itself is a small-footprint continuous speech recognition system, suitable for handheld and desktop applications. We can use a client such as AcquireSpeech in order to communicate with pocketsphinx-sonic-server and get the text for the speech.


It is fairly easy to set up a language model for pocketsphinx PocketSphinx and use it for speech recognition.

Quick facts:

  • Location: http: / /
  • Language: C++
  • Distribution: BinaryMain developer: Fabrizio Morbini
  • Platform(s): Windows


Using command line parameters


You will need to follow the below steps for creating your own language model for use with PocketSphinx Wrapper. First of all, we will need the "jasr" tool. This tool is present under lib/jasr in the Toolkit. To make the actual language models, you can use 'cmuslm' or 'srilm', which are both included within the jasr folder. However 'cmuslm' currently only works on Linux, while 'srilm' is compatible with both Windows and Linux.

You should do the following:

the PocketSphinx Wrapper.

  • Go to the "


  • data\pocketsphinx" folder within the Toolkit


Run the following command
create-lm.bat <corpus.txt> <>


- corpus.txt is a  file containing individual lines(text) that comprise the words that make up the vocabulary for your domain

- is the name of the output language model file

  • There is a file called corpus.txt which contains the utterances/lines to be spoken by the character. Replace this file with a file containing the new lines which you want the character to speak. Each utterance is one line in the file
  • Now double click the batch file called generate_language_model.bat
  • This will generate a new file which will be the new language model containing the lines in corpus.txt
  • Now if you relaunch the PocketSphinx Wrapper from the launcher, it will reference this new language model that you just created

Known Issues

Message API



Once you create the language model, you just need to point to it in your config file that is input to pocketsphinx-sonic-server and it's good to go.


How can programmers modify or add functionality? 

Known Issues

List of common known issues, like why something isn't working, why it's implemented in a certain way, limitations, etc. If there are major JIRA tickets, link to those as well. 

Message API

Receives -

  • vrAllCall
  • vrKillComponent

Sends -


See Main FAQ for frequently asked questions regarding the installer. Please use the Google Groups emailing list for unlisted questions.