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Currently, we are not at liberty to publicly distribute any project-specific data.  However, we encourage all interested parties to contact us directly.

Who can use it

The toolkit has two target audiences:

  • Users are people who use the provided technology as is, usually either running a component or using it to create new content. Users can configure and run systems and are expected to have basic computers skills and some minor scripting skills.
  • Developers are software engineers / programmers who can build and modify the code and create new capabilities for the system, either by modifying or extending existing code or by creating new modules that interface with the rest of the system. 

All toolkit software can be used without cost for academic research purposes provided all associated licenses are being honored. If you are Please cite us appropriately, as per clause 3 of the license, when using the toolkit or any of its components for published research, please cite us appropriately, as per clause 3 of the license. See the Papers section for more details.

Please contact us if you are interested in a commercial license.
