Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note: If the logger is currently logging, the session name change will not take effect until a new logging session starts.




Go to Search->By Keyword and a dialog will appear. Enter the text you wish to search for in the text field provided and press Enter. Press F3 to search forward in the text or Shift+F3 to search backwards. Select Cancel when you are done searching to close the search dialog.

Note: If the Autoscroll checkbox is selected when you do a search, Logger will deselect it, and you must select it again when you are done searching if you wish to enable it again. If you press enter when the cursor is in the search text field, the search will restart from the beginning of the document again. 

Using Help


To display information about the Logger, click on Help -> About Logger. A new dialog will appear, giving you more information about Logger. You can get additional information by clicking on "Help->How To...". A new dialog will appear giving you information about the most common How To's of Logger. 




Compiling the Logger


You can compile with either NetBeans or with ant


  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the \JLogger Java folder.
  2. Type 'ant' (no quotes)


Message API



  1. vrComponent
  2. vrProcEnd
  3. logging


  1. vrAllCall
  2. vrKillComponent
  3. logging


Known Issues






See Main FAQ for frequently asked questions regarding the installer.  Please use the Google Groups emailing list for unlisted questions.