
The logger shows all ActiveMQ messages, saves them all to disk. You can find them in \local_tests. The logger also allows you to send ActiveMQ messages. This component starts automatically when the Launcher starts.

The logger allows you to create custom filters that will search through the messages and only display messages that satisfy the filter, save all of the messages or some filtered ones to a text file, import messages, and search through the messages.

The filters are not case sensitive and search the entire message; you are given the option to create "Positive" (contains) or "Negative" (does not contain) filters. You can also create an advanced filter which lets you enter up to 5 terms, and chose the logical operator used to join the terms.

JLogger automatically timestamps all messages, and adds a header to every file it saves. The current format for the time stamps is as follows: HourMinSecMillisec where Hour, Min, and Sec are 2 digits and Millisec is up to three digits.

See the Javadoc for information about the source code.


Running JLogger

JLogger Basics

Creating and Removing a Filter

Creating and Removing an Advanced Filter

Saving a Log

Importing a Log

  1. Go to File->Import Log...
  2. Click "yes" if you still want to import a log
  3. Select the file you want to import and click "Import"

Staring/Stopping a Logging Session

Stopping and starting a logging session automatically increments the loggin session number.

Getting the Path of the Log Files

Changing and Resetting the Session Name

  1. Delete the text in the text field labeled 'Session Name'
  2. Enter the new Session Name into this text field
  3. Press Enter



  1. Go to Help -> About JLogger
  2. A new dialog will appear, giving you more information about JLogger
  3. When you are done reading/viewing the information, click on Ok to exit.
  1. Go to Help->How To ...
  2. A new dialog will appear giving you information about the most common How To's of JLogger.
  3. When you are done reading/viewing this information, click ok to exit.


Compiling the Logger

You can compile with either NetBeans or with ant


  1. Go to \saso\lib\vhmsg\vhmsg-java\ and check if je4util.jar exists there
  2. Go to \saso\lib\java\ and check if it contains nblibraries.properties, and swing-layout\swing-layout-1.0.3.jar
  3. Make sure that the environmental variable JAVA_HOME is set to your JDK folder before continuing

Compiling with NetBeans:

  1. The folder that this file is in (\JLogger), is a NetBeans project folder. You can get NetBeans from http://www.netbeans.org if it is not already installed
  2. Run NetBeans and go to File->Open Project and select the folder
  3. Click the button with the hammer picture on it (or Build->Build Main Project or F11)

Compiling with ant:

  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the \JLogger Java folder.
  2. Type 'ant' (no quotes)

Message API



Known Issues

There are currently no documented known issues.


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