
Ogre is provided as a renderer with the toolkit as an open source alternative to Unity, and as an example of SmartBody integration. Ogre communicates with SmartBody using the Bonebus library for sending and receiving messages. For more information on the Ogre3D engine, please see OgreSDK.


Launching Ogre

In order to launch Ogre,  you can select the 'Ogre' profile from the 'Profiles' menu option in the Launcher, or select Ogre as the renderer 'Visualization' section and hit 'Launch'.

Connecting with SmartBody

After selecting the Ogre profile and launching Ogre as a renderer, you can launch SmartBody by pressing 'Launch' in the SmartBody section. SmartBody will connect with Ogre on launching and you should see the virtual human animate.


Ogre has been integrated as a rendering engine with the toolkit as an example to show that alternative renderers can be used with the Toolkit.

Message API

List here all the (ActiveMQ) messages this module receives and sends. You can use this section to explain how this module fits within the overall architecture.

Known Issues

Provide a list of known issues and peculiarities. Allow the reader to give feedback, probably by giving a link to the Support page.


Probably just link to the appropriate section in the Main FAQ.